McKinley Elementary Celebrates Black History Month

Students at McKinley Elementary have been learning about the contributions of African-Americans who positively changed our lives. Learn more below!

  • Ms. Minor’s 3rd grade class learned about female African-American artist, Faith Ringgold, who is best-known for her story quilts. The class created a “class story quilt” by piecing together individual squares. The class also created a door quilt by piecing together individual artwork that included a quote by Faith Ringgold.

  • Mrs. Scott’s 5th grade class learned about famous African-Americans and their contributions to our society. Students watched videos and then picked a person they learned about in the video and completed a slide containing three contributions they made to our society. Once the slides were completed, the class reviewed the slide deck together and shared what they learned.

  • Ms. Hofacket’s 3rd grade class learned about the contributions of African-Americans who positively changed our lives. They learned about school desegregation and Ruby Bridges made a big change to integrate schools. They also learned about important scientists and scholars like George Washington Carver who discovered over 300 uses for peanuts like making shampoo, wood stains, and even using peanuts to make plastic!

Check out a few photos below!

Students at McKinley Elementary have been learning about the contributions of African-Americans who positively changed our lives.
Ms. Minor’s 3rd grade class learned about female African-American artist, Faith Ringgold, who is best-known for her story quilts. 
They also learned about important scientists and scholars like George Washington Carver who discovered over 300 uses for peanuts like making shampoo, wood stains, and even using peanuts to make plastic!