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Lee V. Pollard High School's comprehensive school counseling program supports the development of assertive global citizens through individualized academic and post-secondary planning. Graduates from Lee V. Pollard will strive to reach their full potential and realize the importance of being responsible citizens in their community who accept challenges, embrace diversity, overcome obstacles, and work toward leaving a lasting legacy for the next generation. Additionally, Lee V. Pollard graduates will be lifelong learners who are eager to pursue knowledge, develop skills, and participate in a constant cycle of evolution that continually helps them become productive members of society who possess a global mindset and a personal drive for success.



The Lee V. Pollard High School Counseling Department's mission is to make students our highest priority as they work to develop skills and acquire knowledge. At Lee V. Pollard High School, counselors believe that all students are entitled to a comprehensive, developmental counseling program that is responsive to student needs, encourages academic success, and supports their social emotional growth and well-being. The school counseling team works with all stakeholders to inform, empower, and encourage students to develop a plan to pursue their college and career aspirations with the skills necessary to operate in the 21st century. As school counselors, we believe that it is our duty to treat every student equitably with respect and dignity, regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation or educational needs. School counselors will always advocate for Lee V. Pollard students to become productive global citizens who are adaptable to an ever-changing society.

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What Do Counselors Do?
Mrs. Jaime (A - L)
Mr. Fernandez (M - Z)
Ms. Robles (Intervention)
Academic Planning
College and Career Planning
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