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Policies & Procedures


Parent/guardians are automatically emailed after each tardy.

5 Tardies
: Detention

10 Tardies: Detention

15 Tardies: Saturday school 

16 or more Tardies will result in a meeting with administration, the development of a student/parent or guardian and school contract. 

If students continue to be tardy, they may be:

-placed on no-go lists (meaning they are ineligible to participate in end of school year activities including activities such as dances at their homeschool (homecoming, winter formal, prom, etc.)

-receive additional Saturday School assignments 

-and/or be assigned to Alternative Classroom Placement (ACP)

Please note that tardies will not be excused without a Doctor's note/Dental note/Court Order, etc.



3 Verified Truancy Absences: Warning Letter from the District Office will be mailed. Students that miss 1 or more periods will be assigned a lunch detention per period missed.

5 Verified Truancy Absences: Parent/Student Meeting with the AP (Attendance contract)

3+ Excused (consecutive): Absences will require a Doctor's note

14 total absences (excused & unexcused) are allowed for the school year.


Student Dress Code (K-12)

The Board Policy & Administrative Regulation 5132 (Dress & Grooming) has been revised to:
      - Support a safe and inclusive learning environment
      - Be clear and enforceable
      - Be non-discriminatory

Allowable Dress Code:

Shirts/ Tops/ Dresses:
     -All shirts, tops or dresses must secure over the shoulder or neck and be at an appropriate length. 

Pants/ Shorts/ Skirts/ Dresses:
    -All pants, shorts,  skirts, and dresses must cover undergarments and private areas. 

    -Activity-specific shoes are required for physical education (PE) and co-curricular activities.
    -Elementary students must have straps on the back of all shoes. 

Sun Protective Clothing:
    -Sunglasses are permitted outdoors. 
    -Hats are acceptable outdoors and at staff discretion indoors.

Not Allowable Dress Code:

Inappropriate Clothing:
Clothing accessories with images or language that depict:
     - Violence
     - Drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity)
     - Hate speech, profanity, or pornography (including symbols)
     - Anything that could create a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class

Undergarments, sheer materials, and swimwear of similar design worn as outerwear. 

Headwear or clothing that obscures the face (except as a religious observance or health/safety-related facial coverings).

Gang Affiliated Apparel:

In consultation with law enforcement or other gang experts, the school administration may limit clothing or apparel where there is a reasonable basis for identifying clothing as gang affiliated. 

Refer to Board Policy and Administration Regulation 5132 or
If you have questions, please contact your school site administration.

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