Parent/guardians are automatically emailed after each tardy.
5 Tardies: Detention
10 Tardies: Detention
15 Tardies: Saturday school
16 or more Tardies will result in a meeting with administration, the development of a student/parent or guardian and school contract.
If students continue to be tardy, they may be:
-placed on no-go lists (meaning they are ineligible to participate in end of school year activities including activities such as dances at their homeschool (homecoming, winter formal, prom, etc.)
-receive additional Saturday School assignments
-and/or be assigned to Alternative Classroom Placement (ACP)
Please note that tardies will not be excused without a Doctor's note/Dental note/Court Order, etc.
3 Verified Truancy Absences: Warning Letter from the District Office will be mailed. Students that miss 1 or more periods will be assigned a lunch detention per period missed.
5 Verified Truancy Absences: Parent/Student Meeting with the AP (Attendance contract)
3+ Excused (consecutive): Absences will require a Doctor's note
14 total absences (excused & unexcused) are allowed for the school year.